Join me and lisa barretta for a enjoyable educational hour as we discuss 2012 psychic ability pole shift end times etc to attend live go to. Lisa barretta we live in a universe of infinite possibilities. June 30, 2012 lisa barretta, the book of transformation. Paranormal now welcomes lisa barretta and aj rasmussen. Lisa barretta is a wellestablished intuitive counselor, reiki practitioner, and astrologer. You can check out her work at music is by chronox, kevin. The book of transformation open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos by lisa barretta. June 30, 2012 archivespod casts hour 1 hour 2 hour 3 hour 1.
Lisa is an authority on consciousness, specializing in spiritual evolution and the paranormal. Lisa barretta book journeys author interview transcript. We are evolving into the lighter, more sentient psychic and authentic existence. Living in the quantum field with asara lovejoy podcast. Drawing on knowledge from past life incarnations along with a lifelong practice of the esoteric arts helped lisa open the portal to selfdiscovery and transformation. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of. Red wheelweiser imprints include conari press which publishes titles on spirituality, personal growth, relationships to parenting, and social issues. This dial has been moving backward due to the procession of the equinox through the sign of pisces for the past 2000 years. Due to the precession of the equinox into the constellation of aquarius, the dormant codes within our dna will now automatically be tuned in and turned on to the brighter light and frequency coming into the world as part of this amazing transformation. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world. The book of transformation with lisa barretta part 1. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos barretta, lisa on. Ask sue interviews with author of conscious ink, the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading and the book of transformation lisa barretta who is also the executive producer of tv. Lisa barretta is an astrologer, intuitive counselor, reiki practitioner and researcher in the fields of consciousness and psychic sensing.
Lisa barretta is a practicing astrologer, intuitive counselor, certified reiki practitioner, and researcher in the fields of consciousness and psychic sensing. From personal experience and a lifelong practice of the esoteric arts, lisa has opened the portal to selfdiscovery and. Her ability in astrological delineation coupled with uncanny intuitive insight has secured a loyal following in the united states, canada, the united kingdom, and the middle east. Were these known police informants carrying out a hit on police officers who had gotten on the blacklist with the. The author believes that tattoos provide a portal between our physical bodies and our.
Read the book of transformation open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos by lisa barretta available from rakuten kobo. A street smart look at the metaphysical world of psychic energy and divination from author and psychicastrologer lisa barretta an entertaining and informative view on our greatest natural resource. This book looks at the meaning behind various tattoo designs, and what they say about the wearer. We welcome politician david lory vanderbeek to the broadcast to talk about the las vegas shooters jared and amanda miller. Weiser books offers an entire spectrum of occult and esoteric. She practices as an intuitive counselor, certified reiki practitioner, and researcher in the fields of consciousness and psychic sensing. The book of transformation by lisa barretta is available. During the past 30 years she has developed her client base strictly by word of. During the past 30 years she has developed her client base strictly by word of mouth. During the past 35 years, she has developed a client base that spans north america, the united kingdom, and europe. The book of transformation with lisa barretta youtube. Angela lauria with lisa barretta, author of the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos.
Lisa barretta is the author of the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading 4. Theres no exact boundary marker to show when one age becomes another. A new kind of tattoo enthusiast has been born who wants to grow, who embraces change and looks for healing transformation in their life. Changing sleep patterns and transition into the new energy. In the book of transformation, lisa barretta tackles t.
Lisa is also the author of the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading and the book of transformation. Lisa barretta is a practicing astrologer, intuitive counselor, certified reiki practitioner, and author of the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading. The book of transformation open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos author. There is also a strong metaphysical dimension to the book. Mystical, magical, and transformative art you dare to wear book, 2017 by lisa barretta.
Lisa barretta the book of transformation 80712 aug. Right now, a wave of frequency is lifting the veil and opening the portal for us to experience a higher consciousness. Author lisa barretta joins us to talk about her book, the book of transformation. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos by lisa barretta 2012, paperback at the best online prices at ebay.
Lisa barretta author lisa barretta is a practicing astrologer, intuitive counselor, certified reiki practitioner, and author of the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading. A popular psychic, astrologer and bestselling author, lisa barretta has written the book of transformation. Find a subject that youre really passionate about, because once you get into the writing process, if its not something that you really want to write about its gonna become a drag. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover lisas. Tonight at 8 pm et, via belivetv on facebook, lisa. There is a picture of her with her tattoos covering her scars. Lisa barretta is a practicing astrologer,a member of ncgr national council for geocosmic research, afa american federation of astrologers, and isir international society for astrological. If its true that the dawning of a new age creates a new breed of humanity, then that slow astronomical transition surely reflects.
The book of transformation by lisa barretta is your complete guide to what you can expect to experience as planet earth moves within the milky way galaxy and edges closer to the higher frequency from the galactic center. I didnt really care for barrettas last book the book of transformation but conscious ink was superb. As the earth passes upwards from below to above the central plane of the milky way galaxy sometime in 2012, a new portal into spiritual development is opening. The upgraded homo sapiens will be more spiritual, great multitaskers, rightbrained and creative, technologically inclined. This book is a amazing piece, lisa has a very unique eclectic style to her writing.
After receiving her first set of tarot cards at age of 14, lisa began studying divination and astrology. Popular psychic, astrologer, and bestselling author lisa barretta joins amerika now during the first hour of the show to discuss the new spiritual development that is occurring. A great book for anyone who is interested in not only understanding the quickening that is taking place all around us, but also for those wanting to know how to help. More than that it is a celebration of an important artform which draws all of us into a closer connection to our innerselves and soul. Conscious ink subtitled mystical, magical, and transformative art you dare to wear. The book of transformation by lisa barretta overdrive. She is the author of the book of transformation, the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading and the soon to be released book, conscious. Lisa barretta is the author of conscious ink,the hidden meaning of tattoos, a book that gives revealing insight on how body ink taps into the symbolic language of our consciousness. I suppose what stuck me most was the courage and strength the woman, anita, who had cancer and mastectomies. Shop amongst our popular books, including 3, conscious ink, the book of transformation and more from lisa barretta. Lisa is the author of conscious ink, the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading and the book of transformation, and the executive producer of surviving death. We are evolving into the lighter, more sentient psychic and authentic existence for which we were originally designed.
Lisa is also the author of the book of transformation and the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading. Mystical, magical, and transformative art you dare to wear by lisa barretta my rating. Lisa is also the author of conscious ink, the street smart psychics guide to getting a good reading and the book of transformation. In the book of transformation, lisa barretta tackles the vast and sometimes controversial topic of ascension in a witty and downtoearth manner that truly appeals to all. We have the ability to transcend the limits of the timespace paradigm and go through a transformation that. Many people are tired of the reality show hype and want something deeper and more life changing. Lisa barretta is a member of the national council for geocosmic research ncgr, american federation of astrologers afa, and the international society for astrological research isr. Open yourself to psychic evolution, the rebirth of the world, and the empowering shift pioneered by the indigos ebook written by lisa barretta. Finally, lisa barretta is the smart and daring soul who is brave enough to put it out there. Lisa barretta author of the street smart psychics guide. View lisa barrettas profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. With an overdrive account, you can save your favorite libraries for ataglance information about availability. Conscious ink by lisa barretta is a book that anyone who is thinking of getting a tattoo should read for it contains a wealth of advice and information on how to avoid making. Published on april 28, 2016 april 28, 2016 54 likes 5 comments lisa barretta follow.
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